To research about the current socio-political issues, students are meticulously working towards collecting and managing data through door-to-door surveys and feedbacks. They work in constrained environments with inadequate resources.

We have worked from the grassroots level to support and sponsor these students towards researching and publishing because we believe that lack of resources should not come in between their potential and capabilities. These students carry the power to bring fresh perspectives in the field of research and transforming the present. Recurring donations help us plan our expenses and build capacity.


Even a small contribution will count towards development and bring about changes that will help contribute to the larger solution which is better and more inclusive policies related to sustainable development goals in the coming years. Donate now, for a better India!

What We Do

Our Causes


We have worked from the grassroots level to support and sponsor these students towards researching.

Project 21A

Child-Centric Strategic litigation is a powerful tool for legal and social change.

Legal Assistance

Welcome to the Association for Parivartan of Nation’s Legal Assistance page, click here.


We've started a campaign “Know Your Rights” in which we visit different institutions for lecture

Child Sponsorship

Children are the world’s most valuable resource and our best hope for the future of our nation.